With the Texas Rig, a rubber lure is strung onto an offset hook. This rig makes use of a special trick: the lead is not attached to the bait, but runs loosely on the line and generates an acoustic noise when pulled in conjunction with a bead.
The Texas Rig is a pre-built rig to get you started straight away. Simply connect to the main line and off you go. The Japanese hook is extra hardened, ultra sharp and robust. In addition, abrasion-resistant fluorocarbon and a fast-sinking and environmentally friendly tungsten weight were used. Each piece is handcrafted to ensure high quality knots.
With the Texas Rig, a rubber bait (e.g. worm, creature bait, pintail) is strung onto an offset hook. This rig makes use of a special trick: the lead is not attached to the bait, but runs loosely on the line and generates an acoustic noise when pulled in conjunction with a bead. On the Texas rig, the bait is guided in light jumps over the bottom or even higher through the water. The lead that runs freely on the line provides a special attraction through the alternation of pulling and letting it sink. The predatory fish can easily grab it without resistance and without being prevented from doing so by a lead. This can be the key to success, especially on difficult days.
You can see the movements for a successful catch in the illustration. Have fun!